From the Book - 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed.
Part one: Indiana. Lynetta and Jim ; Lynn ; Jimmy ; Growing up ; Richmond ; Marceline ; Jim and Marceline ; Beginnings ; A church where you get something now ; Peoples Temple ; Gaining influence ; Father Divine ; "All races together" ; A man to be reckoned with ; Breakdown ; Brazil ; Looking west
Part two: California. Redneck Valley ; Dead end ; Resurrection ; Carolyn ; A socialist example ; Money ; Worker bees ; On the road ; Failures ; Drugs ; Sex ; Family ; The planning commission ; Los Angeles ; San Francisco ; Narrow escapes ; Reaching out ; The gang of eight ; Consequences ; The promised land ; Kimo ; City politics ; More money ; Defectors ; "Our year of ascendancy" ; New West
Part three: Guyana. Jonestown ; Concerned relatives and the first White Night ; Death will be painless ; Betrayals ; Unraveling ; Final days ; "Some place that hope runs out" ; What happened? ; Aftermath.